Thursday, March 5, 2009

Abby and Anna

This is my kind of salsa :)


Mrs. Mouring, Timmy and Abby treated us to a lovely afternoon of fellowship and meals

Mumzie talking to Daddy and Sarah.......missing them immensely

Wishful thinking?

At the "Farmers Wife"

Okay.......I just had to take a picture of this. Isn't it charming? I mean for a trash can.......

Reviewing some captured video


On Wednesday Stephen took us out to Chili's where we were able to meet his friend Ryan.


After lunch we headed to the charming town of Clifton, where we walked, talked and took pictures!!!! Many thanks to Mom and Anna who took the time and effort to snap the pictures of Stephen and I :) :)

Snapshot #1

Snapshot #2

Walking around town

Fence Art

Snapshot #3

The dear, sweet, lovely, PATIENT Photographers

Snapshot #4

interesting for sure :)

previewing the latest pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Morton family!!! Yes, it's us! The Mackenzies. Sorry we've neglected communicating with you--though we think of you so very often! We have had many a great time perusing your blog! So you guys moved?! Where to? We've so much to catch up on...our email is if you'd like to write! Talk soon! --Charissa
