Monday, August 31, 2009

Visits with Friends

Before posting about the happenings in the previous post, we have several other things to catch up on. So without more ado, enjoy!

One evening, we celebrated with our friends in a surprise party for their Husband/Father as he came home from "work" for the last time to start their family business in making honey!

Loving wife preparing food

A very chivalrous activity; taking out the trash :)

Helping in the kitchen

Cleaning up outside


Industrious Mothers

"[She] worketh willingly with her hands."

Proverbs 31:13

More help outside

Streamers and balloon Art :)

Miss C.

Cake made by Mrs. A. and cupcakes made by Daughters

After most of the preparations were made, I headed into their bulk foods store to make a few purchases

Mr. H. sliced the cheese for me

Little Miss G.

Party napkins :)

Visiting while waiting for....

... Mr. A. to arrive!



A man and his help meet

Joy abounds

Father and Son


Father and Daughters

Mr. G.

A sweet, Christian family


Mr. T.

Mumzie making something yummy

Miss E. showing where she lost a tooth

Having fun with the balloons

Balloon Art

A little girl in a big rocking chair

Miss C. showing me the feather she found

Miss E.

A Mother comforting her daughter

Doll Art :)

Mr. T.

Hiding from the camera behind her Mamma's skirt

Mr. S.

Tossing around the football

The young men listening to their Fathers talk

Before leaving, we all sang together

The group gathered to celebrate


One morning we ate brunch with a dear family from church

A game of Pit

Mr. L.

Miss M. drawing on the score card

Another Mr. L.

Mr. A.

Having Fun

Mr. K.

Trading Cards

Miss M.


Watching the guys leave to do some stuff


Looking at pictures

Telling something about the picture

Art 2

Art 3

"Can I see the picture?"

Self portrait

Helping with the dishes

My little friend and I

What wonderful times of Christian fellowship!


1 comment:

  1. Man, oh man... this post is really making me want to play Pit now. Thanks. :P
