Saturday, June 18, 2011

Visiting My Sisters

After our weekend with the Squirrelys, we headed first to Ike's and Meg's, then on to Stephen's and Katie's!

Celebrating JuneBug's birthday


A cupcake with a Thomas-the-tank engine ring!

Finding an inventive way to fill up JuneBug's swimming pool from Grandma R.

Ready to try out the pool

"What is all this?"

The boys loved the pool!

"This is the life"

Daddy trying out JuneBug's new basketball hoop

What a fun time... we move on to Stephen's and Katie's....

Shopping for hydrangeas

The wagon, filled with...air....and a little bit of dirt


"What about these?"

Mumzie: "So it would get this tall..."

Katie:"This heat is killing me...but I'm smiling!"

We finally picked some hydrangeas

The nursery we were at had really pretty pots, and I loved this royal blue with the lighter blue pots behind (although I think the extremely bright sun inhibited me from capturing the true colors of the pots...yes, I still have much to learn when it comes to photography!)

Putting the hydrangeas in their intended spot

"It looks like we need one more plant..."


After. We had such fun helping plant the hydrangeas!

While the ladies worked on flowers, Daddy worked on raking pine needles and spraying weed killer and insect killer around the house

For dinner, Stephen's parents along with Abby and Tim came over! We had a grand time visiting with them!

On our way to Starbucks, Stephen, Katie, and I noticed this very interesting picture on the back of a semi-truck. After some intense investigating (a.k.a. reading the fine print), we found it was a picture of Michael Jordan, advertising his line of cologne. We found it very amusing. :)

At the Starbucks drive-through, Stephen very patiently ordered all 5 of the complicated orders (you know the type....skim milk, half decaf-half regular venti coconut frappuccino with 7 shots coconut syrup and 7 shots chocolate syrup, extra whip :D)

Oh, yeah....that's what I'm talkin' about. Thanks for the treat, Stephen and Katie!



Umm...feet :)

The people who belong to the feet...or do the feet belong to the people?

Kate's Art

On one of the TV's they had "Singin' in the Rain" playing...."Oh, Pierre, you shouldn't have come" :)

My parents

(Some of) My siblings


Sharing a story over our Ikea snack

Mumzie's art

Elevator ride! (Sam and Chloe, we did not jump, just in case you were wondering :)

Packaging up our new mirror

More packaging

Stephen and Daddy grilling our steaks....they were so good.

Our lovely dinner with lovely people

Reminders and remainders of our relaxing dinner

Saying "farwell"...for now

And with that, I say farwell to you, our dear readers!


The Morton Maiden

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part was always the "Yes, yes, yes!" "No, no, no!" spoken by the wrong people. Always made me laugh. :D
