Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stephen and Katie (and baby :)

We were so delighted to have Stephen and Katie over the July 4th weekend!

We simply had to go to the coffee shop so Katie could get her iced mocha fix. :) Stephen, Katie, and I had fun visiting together and running into friends/acquaintances!


After the coffee shop, we stopped by Daddy's workplace to give him an iced mocha

Mumzie doing some food prep

Daddy and Stephen chatting before heading out for dinner

"Let's go eat!"

Dinner! What a great meal.

After dinner, we headed to one of the best dessert places we know of

Mumzie and Daddy anxious to get started on their desserts

Be assured that it was just as delicious as it looks :)

Daddy and Mumzie outside the chocolatier

Cool lighting


Yours truly

The following daw we hosted a baby shower for Stephen and Katie. They were so sweet and helped us set things up!

"Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere, clean up, clean up, everybody do your share." What toddler doesn't know that song? :D


Balloons on the mailbox

Stephen's Art

Let the party begin!


Cousins, and the mommies to the cousins in the top picture :)

Stephen tried out their son's toy. On the packaging for the shield it said "Warning: This is a toy. Does not provide protection.".....just in case you weren't clear on that :D

My great-grandparents writing advice and memories for Stephen and Katie

Cousin Chris and Aunt Kay

Eden and London

C. and Uncle John


The couple of the hour

The quilt made by Great-Aunt Patty

Playing the bucket-and-balls-with-water game

They all loved the refreshing water on such a hot day!

It was so nice to see the older kids helping the younger ones


We also did the fruit-rollup was hilarious...

...especially because Stephen participated, too!

Aunt Peggy writing out her advice card

Great-Grandpa and Stephen

Chris and Aunt Peggy

Stephen and Katie with our Great-Grandparents

Katie darlin'. Love ya, sista!

Natalie, Eden, and Katie

Watching C. put together his Lego's

Pretty hair

It was a very, very hot day


An arm wrestling match

Katie reading all the advice cards that the guests filled out...they were so precious.

Mr. Alexander and Stephen at church

Katie and Baby M.

Talking about '80's hairstyles :)

Cutie Rose

Mumzie enjoying having another daughter around



Peaceful bubble-blower sleeper

More talk of "80's hairstyles

M. and Bugsbee

Relaxing at home

I love how both Mumzie and Katie have their feet propped up :)

We headed over to Aunt Beth's house on Brendan's birthday to give him his birthday gift

Happy Birthday, Brendan!

Eden showing one of their new kittens

Matching sisters in our skirts from Grandma G.

Enjoying the coffee shop again


We found this on our van window...a little "note" from one of the young fellas at church :)

Washing off the window


The Morton Maiden

1 comment:

  1. So much fun to see all the pictures!!!! What a wonderful trip!!!!! Thanks so much for making it so fun and relaxing!!!!!!

    Love and Miss you!
