Monday, November 23, 2009

Wedding Week: Preparation

Well, folks, it's finally here; the wedding week! Lord willing, I will be posting about Stephen and Katie's wedding over the next few weeks (with breaks in between). So, stay tuned!

Great Uncle J. and Aunt P. brought us some of their garden green beans, and then helped snap them!

Daddy and Mumzie were so sweet and helped me work on the wedding favors!

Hmm...wonder what these could be for :)

Gotta love Daddy's humor! :D

In the afternoon, still working on favors

Katie hand-stamping all of the wedding programs

A very familiar sight to me :D

Kate walking away in protest to my demands for different poses in pictures :D

Camera wars
(I don't have the pictures Katie was taking...we kind of forgot to take the pictures off her camera before she got married)

Wrapping gifts

Let's looks like Katie is discussing with Dad and Mom her stresses...

"...and in addition to all that, I have this annoying sister who follows me around all the time taking pictures of me!!!!"

"Yes, I am speaking of you, dear sister [insert nervous laugh]"

Talking to Stephen...

While Mumzie, Daddy and I enjoy what was supposed to be our "last-family-meal-before-Katie-gets-married" dinner :D

That evening, Grandpa and Grandma came over to give us some corn! Not only did they bring it to us, but they also helped husk it! We are so blessed to have such a family!

Again, Daddy, Mumzie and I working on wedding favors. What is it we are looking at, you may be wondering? Well, Daddy decided that we should watch something while we worked, so he searched the Internet for, and found, Dr. Who's "Don't Blink" episode.

The Morton Maiden


  1. Sorting... M&M's? Looks like it.

    Course, I counted 20 Smarties rolls' worth of Smarties and sorted by color. Put the data into an Excel spreadsheet, then analyzed it about 10 different ways. Included a couple graphs too. I guess that isn't terribly different. :P

  2. You watch Dr. Who? Learn somthing new every day :)

  3. Isaac~
    Indeed, sorting M&M's. Not only sorting M&M's, but also cutting tulle, cutting ribbon, counting exactly how many M&M's of each color to put in the tulle (with a Tablespoon, not your fingers, mind you), and then tying a ribbon around the tulle (which isn't as easy as it sounds). All this with about 250-270 of them (with who knows how many M&M's in each favor!).
    So, I'm sure counting and analyzing Smarties isn't too different. :D

    Well, I wouldn't exactly say that we "watch Dr. Who". We watched that "Don't Blink" episode because a friend told us about it and we were interested (even though our friend didn't like it :D). We thought it was a pretty funny episode.
    It is indeed true that we learn something new every day. Like when we learned about you and your siblings dancing around the house :D.


  4. Love these! Keep 'em comin'!

    Watching a movie while working?! It's a wonder we didn't get a blue M&M in there somewhere! LOL!

    I like the picture of Katie's hair flying.....and REALLY like the one of her stressing! LOL! Oh the memories...

  5. Sheesh. That's a lot more than the Smarties. I only did twenty rolls. :P

    Gotta admit, I think you're a little more persistent than I would be with that. I woulda had to scream or or something after doing about 100. :D
