Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Day Spent In "Feminin Pursuits"*

An afternoon of lunch at Bob Evans, followed by shopping at a green house and a visit to the Alexanders with the A. and D. ladies (and our accompanying gentleman, Mr. Stewart) was so fun and refreshing!

*Quote from Miss Ann

Table End #1

Table End #2

Mumzie loved feeding Caledonia...

...and Caledonia liked it, too :)

Flowers amongst flowers


Lovely Hair

I think Geneva enjoyed Mrs. D. pushing her in the cart!

Glorious Yellow

Ann's ingenious idea to help Adri with her dress

The little girl who calls me "A-Toon-Dawg" :D


Our very helpful, gentlemanly protector for the expedition

Cassidy and Ann

I love pansies...they are so intricate and edible! (though I myself have never eaten one)

Mumzie with her little companion for the afternoon

Explaining a flower

Mrs. A. shopping

Calalillies remind me of Meg


(hydrangeas remind me of Katie)

Flowers in abundance

Fellowship at the Alexander's....thank you for your sweet hospitality! The cookies and tea were a luscious addition!

The younger ones playing school

"Keep hold of instruction; do not let her go; guard her, for she is your life"

Proverbs 4:13

Cheeri-o for now,


The Morton Maiden

1 comment:

  1. Pansies are edible? Huh. Learn something new every day. Now I gotta try it.
