Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Church, Yard Work, Etc.

The newest member of our congregation...such a cutie!

Everyone wants to hold her

How cute....all the adults were chatting when we noticed Ti and Ethan sitting in the grass as you see them, talking and watching the other children!

Sisters with matching hats

Having Fun

Baby M., Bugsbee, Mr. L., and my "big brother" grumpy Mr. S. :)

Uncle David has come over several times to help us around our is Daddy and him working on our raised beds (which now have veggies popping up out if it!)

Taking down the fence we put up last fall

Mumzie mowing away

Some small flooding in our yard (small compared to our most recent flooding)

Grass sitting in water

Fluffy Frosting

The birthday cake Mumzie made for Daddy and me (somehow I did not upload the picture of Mumzie making it! :( )

Our Red Bud Tree

Mumzie's gorgeous rose

Daddy's birthday bag from Grandma and Grandpa :)

Brunch with Grandpa and Grandma

A Jane Austen mug!

Enjoying Grandma R.'s front porch...oh, the memories we have on that porch!

Celebrating Mother's Day with Grandma R.

Now for our verse of the day. This was our memory verse two weeks ago, and this morning we read it during "Proverbs" (i.e., morning devotions) with Meg, JuneBug, and Peanut.....

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths"

Proverbs 3:5-6

Tally-Ho for now,


The Morton Maiden


  1. You got a picture of Paul when he knew he was looking at you? Wow.

  2. Yeah, he looks super happy about it too. :D
