Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello, Dear Readers!

Today we have been blessed with much-needed rain! We are thrilled. With our over-abundance of rain this past spring, we did not think we would have a lack of it this summer. However, the ground has turned out to be quite dry. It is a good reminder that we must always depend on the Lord's provision, even when we think we won't have to.

Now on to some pictures. We have an assortment of Morton-y happenings....enjoy! :)

Re-organization! We recently re-organized our office/guest bedroom. The desk now sits in front of the window instead of a blank white wall, so now we have a picturesque perspective when duty (or pleasure :) calls us to computer work.

Measure twice, drill once ;)

Our new wipe-off board from Ikea! It is glass which gives a nice, cleaner look than traditional wipe-off boards.
Mumzie and I took Grandpa and Grandma out for lunch on Grandma's birthday, and Grandma's sister works at the restaurant we ate at! We had the nicest waitress. :)

Coconut cream pie...Grandpa's favorite!

One evening we babysat Eden and had a blast spending time with her! She has such a bubbly personality and brought joy to our hearts. Eden reminds us of Katie when she was younger. Love Eden's smile in this picture as she helps Mumzie with the laundry!


She takes all of her work very seriously :)

Playing dolls with Mumzie

Eden also helped us with some cheese.

Friends at church ordered lots of cheese from our friends, so we loaded all the cheese up to take to everyone.

The result of Mumzie saying "Eden, show me your teeth" :D

Dinner on our patio with Grandma, Uncle David, and cousin Joel

Checking out the pond

I think Joel saw a frog

Retiring to the living room for visiting and games

Cheerio for now!


The Morton Maiden


  1. Hi Mortons,
    What a delight to see that you posted! These busy days seem to keep us all hopping, don't they? We also have been rejoicing about the rain that the Lord provided today! And the coolness was an absolute breath of fresh air, especially after it was so hot and humid the day before. Although, we shall rejoice in whatever weather the Lord gives to us, we shall dance a jig when it's not sooo hot! Looks like from the pictures that you all have been making lots of sweet memories! Eden is a cutie!!! Hey, I like the new picture of Meg and her family! :-)
    Love you guys,

  2. Love all the pictures!!!!! Miss you guys so much even though it has been just a week! :(


  3. Glad that things are better with the pond now. Seeing the pictures from outside reminds me that I still need to get up there sometime. :P
